HeliCat Canada strengthens relationship with US counterpart

REVELSTOKE, BC — HeliCat Canada is taking steps to strengthen the collaboration with their colleagues south of the border through a memorandum of understanding with Heli-Ski US (HSUS).

Heliskiing operations in both Canada and the United States face similar challenges when it comes to land management, occupational health and safety and legal and mountain safety. The new agreement is designed to strengthen the communications and collaboration between the two organizations.

"Our operations have always explored ways of working together towards common goals," says Ian Tomm, Executive Director of HeliCat Canada. "This MOU is the next step in our partnership and sets us up for a professional exchange of information and sharing of best practices between operations."

More than 40 operators are represented between HeliCat Canada and HSUS. The MOU looks at establishing trans-border, North American Best Practices focused on safety and emergency response preparedness.

“This agreement brings together the two strongest helicopter skiing/snowboarding organizations on the planet to exchange guides and best practices,” says Kevin Quinn, President of HSUS. “By doing so, we will enhance the safety and professionalism of member firms on both sides of the border, benefiting all members of the skiing and snowboarding community.

This is the second MOU signed between the two organizations. The first two-year agreement signed in 2013, focused on the sharing of operational guidelines.

The new MOU is effective immediately and designed to renew automatically each year unless one party requests differently.


For more information, please contact:

Ian Tomm
Executive Director
HeliCat Canada Association
Phone: 403.837.5770